Black Flag Luna


I haven't actually wrote a post for a while lol. Oopsies >~<

I've been messing around with my linux install a bit, trying to get it looking nice and pretty while keeping it functional. I think I've gotten it to a point that I like. There's a lot more work to be done but for now it's really good.

I've got some nice tiling going on, and I've been customizing my firefox a bit to get it to fit. Overall it's super pretty, and I like it :))))

I'll probably update more over the next week. Change the site up. Add a few more shrines, etc. etc.. I've got an appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday, so I'll be able to do a lot of work on the site while I'm recovering from that. I'll also practice quite a bit of guitar. I've been meaning to try to learn at least one song before I go back to school in August.

- Luna V.W.S.