Black Flag Luna


This is gonna be a decently long rant.

Life feels incredibly boring right now. It feels like there's nothing exciting going on in my life, like I'm on a train that will just follow a straight track until the day I die. Nothing feels like it's giving me any reason to live.

I'm not like, wanting to die persay. Hell, if there was a car hurtling towards me, I'd move out of the way yknow? I want to live and be alive, just not like I am right now. There's something so incredibly boring about how I'm living my life right now. Maybe it's just because I'm not around anyone but my family, I haven't seen my friends in a long time, haven't seen anyone new recently, or what. But I just feel like each day is being wasted on absolutely nothing. I'm not really finding any enjoyment in just laying around watching anime or youtube every single day. Some days I want to hang out with friends, or go on a walk, or do something, but this city and neighborhood, and my family, they all work to prevent that. It's impossible for me to just take a walk in this city.

Each day just feels like it's a massive waste, I want to do something more, have each day be something new. I can't remember what I did yesterday. I genuinely just can't. Probably the same as I'm doing today, and the same as I will do tomorrow. It's all the same. Just one big blur in my memory

I'm really hoping once I head back up to college this will all work out. It's only a few more weeks, so I should be able to last until then. Hopefully at least. Once I'm back up there I'm sure I'll find a way to make life more interesting for me. I'll figure it out somehow.

- Luna V.W.S.