Black Flag Luna


Wow, it's really been a while since I've updated the site! I've been so busy with packing and starting school up I haven't thought about it!

I'm settled down now, had some troubles with the school and how they handled the whole "trans woman using the bathroom" thing, but it's getting sorted. Not very well mind you, but it's sorted.

I really like all my classes this semester! ^-^ My math class especially. I'm taking a course called abstract algebra, and it seems like I'll really enjoy it. It's challenging, but in a good way! My sociology course is sociology, so of course I like it :)

Other than the initial stuff the school has been putting me through, this school year has been going pretty good. I've kinda stopped caring about cis people in general. I'm not rude or anything to them, I just don't make an effort yknow? Lots of people here very clearly don't like me already, so why bother changing their minds? If they're the type of person to quickly judge someone because they're trans, or they're very obviously mentally ill, then they're not the type of person I want to be friends with

I'll try to update the site more now that I'm all settled in and everything!

- Luna V.W.S.