Black Flag Luna


This is going to be where I post some short little things about my life. Just things I've experienced, either past or present. Maybe some thoughts about my life, or just stuff going on in the world that don't warrant a whole essay being written about them.

July 8 2024: Making this site

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  • July 8 2024: Coding

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  • July 8th 2024: Making this site part 2 electric boogaloo

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  • July 9th 2024: Geese and IHOP

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  • July 9th 2024: College Rant

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  • July 10th 2024: Update

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  • July 11th 2024: Shrine made

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  • July 28th 2024: Linux and Teeth

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  • August 1st 2024: Misery and Pain

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  • August 3rd 2024: Rant

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  • August 5th 2024: Watching Anime to Pass the Time

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  • September 2nd 2024: New School Year

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